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التهاب العصب البصري الأسباب والعلاج
Retinal Treatments

Optic neuritis causes and treatment

An optic nerve is a group of nerve fibers that transmit visual information from your eye to your brain. Optic neuritis occurs when swelling (inflammation) damages it. Common symptoms of optic neuritis include pain with eye movement and temporary loss of vision in one eye. Optic neuritis signs and symptoms

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Types of eye drops and the most important tips for using them

Types of eye drops and the most important tips for using them

Eye drops consist of a saline solution. we use it as moisturizing the eye.  treating some bacteria that cause some eye diseases. reducing redness. besides using as a part of the treatment of glaucoma to control eye pressure levels. which is one of the main glaucoma risk factors. Uses of

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Eye Floaters - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Eye diseases

Eye Floaters Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Eye floaters are points, lines, or small spots. it appears in the person’s field of vision, also if they are in front of his eyes and he looks at them directly. sometimes floaters appear whenever the person wants to look away, while they are inside the eyes and not outside

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التهاب جفن العين
Eye diseases

What is blepharitis and how to treat it?

Blepharitis is a case that happens in the eyes due to inflammation of the eyelids that becomes red, irritated, and itchy because of dandruff-like scales that appear on the eyelashes. Bacteria or a skin condition, such as scalp dandruff or rosacea is a common result to make eye disorder.

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What is astigmatism its symptoms, and how to treat it

What is Astigmatism, Causes and how to treat it?

Astigmatism is a kind of visual defect that occurs due to refractive errors resulting from irregularities in the shape of the cornea. The scientific reason for this disease is that the eyes cannot focus on one point. And the light on the retina does not focus on a single point, which leads

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13 Important Kinds of Foods for Healthy Eyes

13 Important Kinds of Foods for Healthy Eyes

Healthy eyes depend on nutrition. People often think that visual impairment is an inevitable consequence of aging or eye strain. A healthy lifestyle can greatly decrease the risk of eye problems. An Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) which is published in 2001 found that there are many kinds of foods

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