Royal Spanish Center

Femto Cataract

Femto Cataract Surgery in Abu Dhabi

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed procedure worldwide, primarily due to cataracts being a natural part of the aging process. Since the 1990s, the gold standard has been phacoemulsification, where an ultrasound probe breaks down and emulsifies the cataract, allowing it to be suctioned through a small incision.

Now, a revolutionary advancement is transforming cataract surgery: Femto Cataract Surgery. This cutting-edge technology is rapidly replacing traditional phacoemulsification, offering similar results with faster recovery times and enhanced precision.

How Femto Cataract Surgery Works

Unlike conventional phacoemulsification, where the initial steps are performed manually, FemtoLaser technology automates three critical steps:

  • Wound creation – A laser precisely makes the incision.
  • Lens capsule opening – The laser ensures a perfectly circular opening.
  • Lens fragmentation – The laser breaks the lens into small pieces before extraction.

Once these steps are complete, the emulsified lens is suctioned out, similar to traditional phacoemulsification.

Advantages of Femto Cataract Surgery

  • Quicker procedures – Laser technology speeds up the initial steps.
  • Reduced time inside the eye – Lens fragmentation occurs before the incision, minimizing exposure.
  • Faster healing – A more precise incision promotes quicker recovery.
  • Lower complication rates – The laser’s precision reduces the risk of irregular wounds and vitreous loss.

Book Your Consultation Now!

If you require cataract surgery in Abu Dhabi, we encourage you to contact Royal Spanish Center and take advantage of our highly specialized and dedicated team. We treat each patient individually and ensure all needs are met with the latest equipment and facilities. Enjoy a free consultation and learn more about our solutions for cataract surgery in Abu Dhabi.

Our Services:

Spanish Center for Eyes, LASIK, and Cosmetics offers comprehensive eye-care packages for international patients. Our dedicated professionals will take care of all aspects, right from helping to plan the package to ensuring your treatment period is comfortable and hassle-free.

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Health Care Plans

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered Clearly and Simply

Our complete examination take around two hours. It is a series of specialized tests by which we determine your prescription, the thickness of the cornea, etc. Based on this examination your doctor will suggest the best method of correction. Since the examination may involve the application of pupil-dilating eye drops, you are advised not to drive a vehicle and have someone accompany you to drive you home.

You want to refrain from driving until your doctor tells you your vision is stable and it is safe to do so.

If you are wearing lenses, the measurements can be misleading. Contact lenses can alter the condition and shape of your cornea. It is advisable to stop using lenses at least 2 weeks before your exam.

There is no such limit. It is agreed that a patient should be in generally good health (e.g. no diabetes, allergies, etc.) After your consultation, your doctor will advise you on possible treatments based on your situation.

Working Hours

Expert Care, Right When You Need It

Our team is here to provide top-quality eye care at convenient hours to fit your schedule.

Sun - Fri

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM




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Get expert eye care and personalized treatment from our specialists. Schedule your visit now!