Royal Spanish Center

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Articles From Royal Spanish Center

lasik surgery

What to do after LASIK Surgery?

Doctors recommend LASIK surgery. ophthalmologists use LASIK surgery to correct vision defects. The goal of this operation is to improve the vision of a patient who suffers from farsightedness, myopia or astigmatism. A patient suffers from low vision or farsightedness. The main reason is an error in the refraction of

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Color blindness causes symptoms treatment method
Eye diseases

Color blindness causes symptoms treatment method

Color blindness is a common disease that simply means poor color vision or the inability to differentiate between a group of certain colors. professionals gives This common term to anyone who has a poor color vision. But true color blindness is where the patient sees everything in black and white,

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Risks of changing eye color
Eye diseases

Risks of changing eye color

In the human quest for more beauty and the spread of plastic surgery in the world. And the increase in the number of people coming for surgery changing eye color. We note that the surgery depends on the iris implant surgery to change the color of the eye. Certain cases

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Disadvantage of Fake Eyelashes

Disadvantage of Fake Eyelashes

fake eyelashes are important to many women. as they add unparalleled beauty to the eyes. But there are a number of concerns about its side effects. especially with the use of eyelash extensions that have their own glue fixative, and tweezers. No one denies the importance of false eyelashes. but

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Dry eye treatment Causes and risk factors 
Eye diseases

Dry eye treatment Causes and risk factors 

Dry eyes are a common disease. In short, the eye’s inability to produce enough tears for hydration. This leads to many complications, the most serious of which are infections in the eyes, and damage to the surface of the eye.   The feeling of having a dry eye is a painful

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What is the dispersion of vision causes leading to that?
Pediatric Ophthalmology

What is the dispersion of vision causes leading to that?

One of the most common problems is astigmatism, which is called astigmatism. This means that the vision is blurred or unclear, regardless of the distance between the eye and the other visible object. Some people suffer from this problem at any age. However, those who suffer from long or short-sightedness

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Lasik eye surgery details at the Royal Spanish Center

Many people get bored of wearing glasses, and the best solution to this boredom is Lasik eye surgery at the Royal Spanish Center in Abu Dhabi. This process is also an ideal solution for those who choose to wear contact lenses that may tire their eyes in a summer residence

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