Royal Spanish Center

Eye Floaters Treatment (Black Flies)

If you suffer from vitreous strands and opacities (commonly referred to as “eye floaters”), then you are already familiar with the frustrating visual disturbance caused by these cobweb and cloud-like shadows.

The vitreous humor is the clear, jelly-like substance in the main chamber of the eye, located between the lens and the retina. At a young age, the vitreous is perfectly transparent. Over time as the eye ages, this vitreous humor can degenerate, losing its form and liquefying. Without the stable vitreous humor, the collagen fibers collapse and bind together to form clumps and knots. It is these fibers, which cast shadows on the retina and appear as spots, strings, or cobwebs that are commonly referred to as “floaters.” In many cases, as the eye ages further, the vitreous humor can peel away from the retina entirely. This is known as Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD). PVD is often associated with a sudden increase in the number of floaters.

Eye Floater Treatment – Royal Spanish Center Abu Dhabi


The surgical treatment of floaters involves removal of the vitreous humor and carries a significant risk of bleeding and infection. It can also result in cataract formation. Depending on your diagnosis, there are several forms of surgery available:

Pars Plana Vitrectomy

Pars Plana Vitrectomy (PPV) is typically performed to treat diseases of the retina such as detachment or Proliferative-Diabetic Retinopathy. It involves the removal of the entire vitreous humor, which is then replaced with a balanced, electrolyte saltwater solution. On average, PPV takes 1-2 hours to perform.

Floaters-Only Vitrectomy

In the case of Floaters-Only Vitrectomy (FOV), only the floater-affected portion of the vitreous humor is removed. While FOV results in fewer complications than total vitrectomy (PPV), remnants of floaters may remain post-surgery, resulting in significant patient discomfort and frustration.

Your ophthalmologist will be able to discuss these options with you in more detail.


Vitreolysis is a non-invasive, pain-free procedure that can eliminate the visual disturbance caused by floaters. During treatment, nanosecond pulses of laser light are used to evaporate the collagen and hyaluronin molecules within the floater, converting them to a gas. The end result is that the floater is removed and/or reduced in size, significantly improving quality of vision.

How does vitreolysis work?

Vitreolysis involves the application of nanosecond pulses of low-energy laser light to evaporate the vitreous opacities and to sever the vitreous strands. During this process, the laser energy evaporates the collagen and hyaluronin molecules to form a gas. The end result is that the floater is removed and/or reduced to a size that no longer impedes vision.


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Health Care Plans

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions, Answered Clearly and Simply

Our complete examination take around two hours. It is a series of specialized tests by which we determine your prescription, the thickness of the cornea, etc. Based on this examination your doctor will suggest the best method of correction. Since the examination may involve the application of pupil-dilating eye drops, you are advised not to drive a vehicle and have someone accompany you to drive you home.

You want to refrain from driving until your doctor tells you your vision is stable and it is safe to do so.

If you are wearing lenses, the measurements can be misleading. Contact lenses can alter the condition and shape of your cornea. It is advisable to stop using lenses at least 2 weeks before your exam.

There is no such limit. It is agreed that a patient should be in generally good health (e.g. no diabetes, allergies, etc.) After your consultation, your doctor will advise you on possible treatments based on your situation.

Working Hours

Expert Care, Right When You Need It

Our team is here to provide top-quality eye care at convenient hours to fit your schedule.

Sun - Fri

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM




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